Character Options come up with more ways to part a Seb Patrick and his money

28th April 2010 • Blog Post by Seb Patrick •

Hello, Seb.
Hello there, faceless rhetorical device.

Why did you like the Earthshock Cyberman figure so much?
Well, it was in my opinion Character Options’ best and most accurate sculpt to date; and furthermore, a sculpt of a quite brilliant monster design, one that is for me the defining image of what a Cyberman should look like.

Why is that, do you think?
Well, my first experience of Doctor Who was watching season 25, so “Silver Nemesis” was one of the first stories I ever saw. Consequently, all other Cybermen look ever-so-slightly a bit wrong to me. If you say the word “Cyberman”, the ’80s vintage is what I think of.

Ah, but that figure wasn’t from Silver Nemesis, was it?
No, but the designs are similar enough that I wanted it on my shelf. And it’s not as if “Silver Nemesis” is a very good story that I have any particular loyalty to. Hell, it’s not even as if it’s a mediocre story.

So what about this new Silver Nemesis twin pack due out later in the year?
Well, it’s lovely, of course. We get a black-handlebarred Cyberleader (did David Banks have to sign away image rights, I wonder?), tweaks to the costume to make them screen accurate for that story (although honestly, I can’t tell the difference until you put them directly alongside one-another), 1988-era guns, and simply the fact that there are yet more of the things to add to the shelf.

They haven’t got the moon boots, though.
No, that is a shame. And also a reason to have bought an Earthshock Cyberman rather than waiting for a Silver Nemesis one. Got to love the moon boots.

So will you be buying this set?
Well, £25 is an annoying price to pay, considering the fact that you could get two and a half Earthshocks for that instead of just two. But assuming the Southern England McCoy Shortage of 2010 doesn’t strike again… then yes, I’ll probably be buying this.

Well, quite.

Seb Patrick once met Paul McGann, who immediately pretended to be Mark McGann. He writes for Den of Geek, BBC America, Film4 and the official Red Dwarf website, among others. He owns over thirty toy Daleks and wishes the Dapol factory tour was still open.


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