Picture of Jo Grant with a Dalek

21st May 2010 • Blog Post by Seb Patrick •

We’ve recently had a number of people hit Unlimited Rice Pudding! by searching for terms including jo grant dalek, jo grant darlek picture and picture of jo grant with a dalek. Unfortunately, these people are presumably arriving at the site unsatisfied by what they’ve encountered, as there are no pictures of Jo Grant with a Dalek to be found here. Until now. For I’ve decided to do these people a favour and post what is presumably the picture they’re looking for, so that now on, if someone arrives here having searched for a “jo grant dalek picture”, they’ll get what they want. Aren’t I nice? Find it after the jump.

I presume that’s what everyone’s been looking for, right?

Seb Patrick once met Paul McGann, who immediately pretended to be Mark McGann. He writes for Den of Geek, BBC America, Film4 and the official Red Dwarf website, among others. He owns over thirty toy Daleks and wishes the Dapol factory tour was still open.


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